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students in gaming class

Bachelor of Business Administration

体育管理 – Esports Management

学者 / 商学院 / 体育管理 – Esports Management


Esports, a global entertainment industry of competitive video gaming, has taken the world by storm. 虽然电子竞技曾经代表着体育文化的一个子集, 它本身已经发展成为一个完整的行业. The industry is expanding and TU’s 体育管理 with a concentration in Esports Management is aimed to provide students an opportunity to be part of this nascent and rapidly growing industry.

TU students will be invited to participate in the Academic Experience with Olympians at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, 在法国,电子竞技可能会以某种形式出现. The Olympic Virtual Series, 一个在线游戏与五个当前运动的整合, 在2020年东京奥运会上亮相, 日本.

TU’s esports management concentration deliberately focuses on providing students with a broad base of experience, 管理团队的实际技能和知识, tournaments and gaming conventions. 学生将探索竞争性电子游戏的文化、历史和兴起. Classes will focus on central concepts in competitive video game play and identify the major developments in the business and media surrounding esports.

Students will learn the complexities involved in understanding the dynamics of the esports industry and all of its stakeholders, 从游戏玩家到十亿美元的媒体公司. 学生还将学习如何驾驭电子竞技联盟的结构, 团队, 球员, 游戏发行商, tournament operators, media and affiliate organizations. 相关的项目, market analysis and critical thinking will be utilized to understand management approaches that have succeeded and failed with recent esports ventures.


The esports industry continues to grow. Hitmaker, 世界上最大的电子竞技和游戏就业平台, reported that the industry had grown 185.2018年前六个月到2019年前六个月之间的比例为74%. 该平台随后指出,2019年全年增长了87%. 2019年4月, Hitmaker published 5,373 jobs available in the industry, most in the United States and England. The number of esports positions on the job-market platform Indeed rose 43% in the first three months of 2020.

Join an Ever-Expanding Industry
  • 电子竞技是一个价值10亿美元的产业,而且还在不断增长.
  • A recent esports tournament attracted over 100 million viewers – more online viewers than the Super Bowl!
  • 2019年,电子竞技领域的全职工作增加了一倍多.
  • Just as major professional sports 团队 need skillful administrators and management professionals, 成长中的电子竞技团队和联盟也需要它们.
  • 只有少数几所学校提供专门研究竞技游戏商业方面的课程.
  • TU’s esports management concentration provides an opportunity for you to be a leader in this exciting, 新兴的行业.
  • On a national standardized test by Peregrine, in the area of Management, 博彩平台推荐商学院的学生平均得分为13分.与ACBSP学校的学生相比,高出57个百分点.

This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, 让你有能力在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位, saving you both time and money. Learn about our MBA programs.

将行业知识与专业实践相结合, our degree program provides a real-world sports management education that provides guidance and opportunities to enhance the competencies of TU students who aspire to work and thrive in the business of sports.


该计划中的各种课程由该领域的专业人士教授, including a certified NBA sports agent, 塞拉利昂国家奥林匹克协会主席, 前波士顿凯尔特人队媒体关系总监, 亚特兰大勇士队的市场协调员.

Everywhere, Internships

TU学生曾在无数体育组织实习, 包括克利夫兰布朗队这样的职业球队, Pittsburgh Steelers, 田纳西泰坦, 水牛城比尔, 密尔沃基酿酒人, St. 路易斯红雀队,亚特兰大勇士队,印第安纳步行者队,费城力量队和印第安纳热火队. Our students have secured internships at college athletic departments all across the country – from Wake Forest University, to the University of Notre Dame, 博伊西州立大学. 和, 他们几乎在体育的每个领域都实习过,比如NCAA四强赛, 美巡赛赛事, professional tennis tour events, Cleveland Sports Commission, Tampa Bay Sports Commission, 糖碗, ESPN, Women’s Sports Foundation, LRMR (LeBron James) Marketing Company, CCTV Sports Network and many others.

体育管理 Advisory Council

Our sports management department brings together alumni and industry professionals in an advisory council, 它为我们项目的各个领域提供了宝贵的专业见解和指导. The council includes a sport lawyer from Harvard who practices in Washington DC and China; a five-time Olympian from Puerto Rico with extensive executive experience with national 政府erning bodies of sport; an associate strength and conditioning coach with the Green Bay Packers, and an Olympian from Romania working as professor of kinesiology from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. 该委员会目前还包括五名与美国职业棒球大联盟守护者(前印第安人)合作的校友。, NFL Pittsburgh Steelers; eBay, MiLB Louisville Bats, Michigan State University (strength and conditioning) and with Pyramid Sports and Entertainment as an NFL agent. Industry professionals and alumni extended invitations for 2022 include a scout for the NFL Indianapolis Colts and the VP of Operations from the AAA Louisville Bats.



浓度: 电子竞技管理
  • CUL132 Emergence of eSports
  • CUL342 History and Culture of Digital Gaming
  • 电子竞技管理入门(RIZE)
  • 会议、活动和贸易展览策划(RIZE)

总计 = 12个小时

Some courses may have prerequisites. See course description for details.

总计 BBA hours 121

这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


Emergence of Esports (CUL 132) – This course will introduce students to the cultural and social world of eSports and will encompass the past, 现在, and future of competitive video gaming. 在整个课程中,学生将阅读和讨论大量的学术文本, applying the theories and thoughts from these sources in the criticism and analysis of video games. Students will critically examine what is a sport, and how esports compares to traditional sports. Students will participate in the debate on topics of current concern but will also look back on how esports came to be.

数字游戏的历史和文化(CUL 342) -本课程将重点介绍电子游戏在社会中的历史和本质. Videogames are having a cultural impact far beyond their role as an economic commodity; they are also changing the way we tell stories, the way we interact with one another, 以及我们理解世界的方式. 在这个课堂上, we will explore the above-mentioned dynamics, 以及游戏的历史以及游戏是如何转变成数字游戏的. Additionally, we spend a significant amount of time playing and watching others play video games. This provides us an opportunity to put our theoretical understanding of the subject in perspective, as well as give us a sense of what makes both classic and contemporary games compelling from a user’s vantage point. The course finishes with an examination of what it takes to produce a video game in order to provide students with the opportunity to take the initial steps to designing a game of their own.

Introduction to Esports Management (ESM 1) – This course starts with an introduction to the history of competitive gaming and continues with an exploration of its emerging ecosystem. Students will learn the complexities involved in understanding the dynamics of the esports industry and all of its stakeholders 从游戏玩家到十亿美元的媒体公司. 学生将学习如何驾驭电子竞技联盟的结构, 团队, 球员, 游戏发行商, tournament operators, media and affiliate organizations. 相关的项目, market analysis and critical thinking will be utilized to understand management approaches that have succeeded and failed with recent esports ventures.


在校园 -提供15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月



电子竞技产业正在迅速发展,就业机会也在迅速增加. 在一个十年前还不存在的全球就业市场, more and more people today are finding the opportunity to turn their passion for esports into a career.

  • 零售分销商
  • 数字营销 Manager–Esports
  • Esports 会计 Manager
  • Esports Administrators
  • Esports Business Development Manager
  • Esports Brand Manager
  • 电子竞技教练
  • Esports Commissioner
  • Esports Competition Organizer
  • Esports Event Producer
  • Esports Financial Manager
  • Esports Human Resource Manager
  • Esports Operations Manager
  • Esports Social Media Manager
  • Esports Sponsorship Manager
  • Marketing Strategist–Esports
  • Partnership Manager–Esports

Program Requirements




“电子竞技正在成为一种全球现象,从高中开始就以天文数字的速度增长, college and professional levels. Esports career paths vary greatly and there are so many opportunities for TU students looking to take their career in esports to the next level. Job opportunities are HUGE right now as organizations look to further increase their branding outreach. 除了比赛之外,最热门的入门级职业机会包括球员角色, 团队, and tournament management; analytics; public relations and social media. E-sport game developers, tournament organizers, and college programs are especially searching for business minded graduates to join their Esports staff.”

Head 电子竞技教练 – Tiffin University